Weighing Scale Verdicts

It is a relatable book. But only for those who struggle to keep the pounds off their bodies. For the rest (mostly who don’t care about weight), it’s just another journal. ‘Confessions of a serial dieter’ reminded me of the last diet book I read by Rujuta Diwekar ‘Don’t lose your mind, lose your weight.’ Though both are completely different from each other, the common thread is let’s-lose-some-weight.

Kalli Purie, as the title suggests, has been completely honest in confiding with her readers. She mentions her strengths and incessantly talks about her innumerable weaknesses. The journey that she says started for her as a little kid only ends with the realization that weight is the ‘centerpiece’ of her life. While she’s not alone in the world to want to look picture-perfect, she clearly is someone who has candidly established that reaching there is effort, lotsa effort, at least for her. As a result the book is full of temptations as well as diet menus. Clearly in her quest of shedding weight or rather never letting it settle on the body in the first place, some diets are more extreme than the others. The good part is that the book is a reservoir of diets from around the world along with some real helpful advice that can only come from experience.

A quick read, it’s a book every dieter should read simply because it makes you feel that you’re not alone in this journey!


Brainwash Yourself

A certain amount of reprogramming is necessary. Your body and mind have been programmed in a certain way and that needs to change. You have to reprogramme your mind. This has to be done on a regular basis as the new programme is prone to viruses. You have to spend time and install regular updates. I have to constantly programme myself into saying:

A holiday does not equal binge eating.

Food does not equal happiness.

Stress does not equal a bar of chocolate.

Weighing myself is like brushing my teeth.

This is some of the new programming that is now hardwired into my system. Repeat after me and every day before you go to sleep and first thing in the morning:

I won’t eat when I stress out. I will sweat it out.

I won’t eat late at any rate.

I won’t skip my workout even if I have to skip work.

I won’t forget that dancing, champagne and designer clothes can feel as good as chocolate.

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