The Purple Frog

Ideas & opinions 24*7

Who knows what are matters of consequence or what are the things to do and talk about that lend life a purpose or a meaning. Chances are high we won't know them anytime soon too! Hence, in the meantime, we are looking around and allowing ourselves to get fascinated and soaked in worldly excitement.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

One more page.

City Lights

City Lights

From dusk till dawn.



Crisp tête-à-têtes

Travel Diaries

Travel Diaries

Exploring the deep.

“The world as we know it. The world as we see it. The world as we understand it.”

From the colour of the bedspread to the latest in the city, from a chat between world leaders to the trending indoor plants, we have a lot to say. We talk about everything. Yes, everything because that’s what we are, here at The Purple Frog – talkative, loquacious, chatty, conversational and what not!


Do-It-Yourself is close to our heart. The way we have decided to look around and marvel till we unravel the meaning of life,
we are also making and creating to keep the human in us alive.
We make things and we hoard supplies!
Check out this space for what we made and to get some inspiration to DIY.
