Maximalist Fashion Gone Right

You can never be overdressed or overeducated. Oscar Wilde said that.

So, it seems that fashion maximalism has always been a thing and now, more than ever, given the abundance and easy access to couture and high street fashion. Although we here at The Purple Frog have been minimalists, the charms of layering all things pretty has us drooling for our kind of maximalism.

So the journey from monochrome neutral tones, clean lines and simplicity of minimalist fashion to bright colours, bold patterns, chunky jewellery, intricate details, and eye-catching designs is not an easy one to take. Anybody who has been a true minimalist may even cringe at the thought. However, maximalism-gone-right inspires every now and then. So let’s take the plunge and break down the looks from the runway to arrive at our own version of maximalist bearing.

Make bold choices

This one is good for the start. A bold colour may be a better first step than a bold pattern. A bold silhouette may be better than a bold cut.

Our take: To start with maximalism, a single bold colour is any day better than multi-coloured stripes or prints. Everyone knows, we love our black-on-black look, however, it can get dreary to not play with fashion.

The dramatic accessory

Now, any minimalist owner of a capsule wardrobe daring to be a maximalist should start with a bold accessory. The good part of picking a statement accessory over an outfit is that you can take it off if you feel overdressed. Remember, it’s a tough journey for a minimalist to have fun with fashion.

Fabric pattern, textures and silhouettes

Stick to your comfy colour palette and choose a different fabric, either in texture, print or pattern. For starters, this may work out well. Remember, maximalism doesn’t mean mix but mix and match till you arrive at a look of your taste.


Well, once you have picked one colour, choose another to complement or contrast. Bring balance. A ruffled skirt is a bold choice. Balance it by choosing a simple cut top. Sequin bedazzles so, pick silk to go with it. Needless to say, the colours can be neutral to pastel if the fabric textures are rich.

Avoid retro

Often the bold prints, colours, shapes and silhouettes end up giving a retro appeal which The Purple Frog isn’t too fond of unless it’s a retro costume party.

Our take:  Just like maximalism, contemporary maximalism is also a thing. Here, you make careful choices in balancing the outfit and keeping it modern.

And always remember, from head to toe – hairstyles to shoes, it’s your canvas. Play it bold.

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The Purple Frog Blog

Whether it’s a scarf or inflation, we talk about everything. If not sublime, it’s not trivial either. Enjoy the articles as we hope to inspire you to stay fun and funny. We cover makers in their studios or just in the cosy corners of their homes as they make/DIY some cool things we want to make too.