Delhi Underneath

New Delhi, October 5th, 2022, Delhi Metro Rail, Women’s Coach, Head to Head, Mouth to Ear Proximity of passengers.

It was impossible to not overhear the phone conversation between an anxious 28-year-old and her would-be mother-in-law. The trouble that engulfed the young girl’s mind was the soon-to-be groom and his apprehension over the upcoming marriage. As was clear from the conversation between them, he was chickening out because he felt he wouldn’t be able to fulfil the wishes of the soon-to-be bride. He threatened her that if this wedding took place, he would end his life. Owing to his judgment of her, she was quite enticed by wealthy couples who take annual international vacations and invest in beautiful homes. Our bride here was also panicking but aghast at the way the groom was willing to overlook one year of courtship and dropping the bomb just when the wedding was around the corner. She added all sorts of logic to her telephone call and discussed how the break-up will change her life. Bearing no fruit, she hung up the call and received another call, this time from a confidante who wanted updates of the previous call. Our bride-to-be was surprisingly not ready to let go off the guy despite his rudeness, anger and display of disgust towards her aspirations.

Despite all signs of neglect, disrespect, rudeness and rejection, she was willing to marry the guy simply because of societal image, fears, lack of support or maybe, not knowing any better. The last bit is what makes the culture of a city. What’s prevalent and what brings uneasiness to the table.

New Delhi is where I was born and brought up – the capital city of a nation that is home to a billion people. There’s something for everybody here. Its contrasts are its reality. The same situation as above in a different stratum of this city would be easy to solve than in the households of burgeoning middle-middle class, burdening themselves with more than they can chew. Image, reputation and similar words are still deep-seated in people’s psyche. Yet many draw parallels between New Delhi and exciting cities of the world. Well, that dazzling Delhi is a dreamer’s dream come true. Mornings around historical places and evenings spent club hopping on weekends are as real as the dark unsafe alleys of this city.

Believing that there’s more good than bad, the city is thriving. The attached image above of especially – designed, uber chic mannequins is a sign that art and fashion are helping the city stay fun and forward and the effort towards staying creative is keeping things warm and interesting.

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